pentaMusic Radio Show: 22. November 2010 - pMRS meets Rathole Radio
koeart @pentaMusic Radio Show: Across borders and not alone! This time we got international Support and are proud to welcome Dan Lynch as a co-host for our Show. He is known for his podcasts Linux Outlaws and his music Podcast Rathole Radio. He recently launched his bands Website 20lb Sounds about which we will also talk. All in all it was a nice talk about podcasting, cc music and licences and the joy of playing in a band.
If you enjoyed the experiment of us, talking english and want to hear more english episodes - please tell us! We are always happy about any kind of feedback.
You can write mail to pentamusic att c3d2 dot de
pentaMusic Radio Show: International und nicht alleine! Als internationale Verstärkung haben wir uns für diese Show Dan Lynch eingeladen, ein britischer Podcaster der u.a. Linux Outlaws und Rathole Radio moderiert. Außerdem hat seine Band 20lb Sounds vor kurzem einen Webauftritt spendiert bekommen. Grund für uns, mal über Podcasten, CC Musik und den Spaß am Spielen in einer Band zu reden.
Uns hat die Aufnahme viel Spaß gemacht und wir würden uns über Kommentare freuen, ob ihr mehr internationale Ausgaben hören wollt. Diese Sendung WAR live.
- Dan Lynch (Website)
- SONG: David Rovics - The Commons (cc-by-nc-sa)
- WP: Club Mate
- 20lb Sounds
- Funniest Joke in the World (Monty Python)(Script)
- Rathole Radio
- Linux Outlaws
- oggcamp
- WP: Jimmy Carter
- SONG: 20lb Sounds - Jimmy Carter (cc-by-sa)
- WP: Grunge
- WP: Jono Bacon
- SONG: EFTB - Cyborg (Not Released Yet)
- pentaMusic Radio Show EFTB Special (German)
- Tracky Birthday
- Chaos Computer Club
- Chaos Computer Club Dresden
- pentaMusic Radio Show
- pentaRadio
- Coloradio
- SONG: Keyboard Rebel - My Lordship (Pop Grenade)(cc-by-nc)
- Creative Commons
- WP: Flying Circus
- Monty Pythons Fliegender Circus
- WP: Nine Inch Nails
- Advance Patrol release their Album via Pirate Bay (Swedish)
- Comic explains CC Lizenz (English)
- SONG: Dan Lynch - The Elephant in the Room (cc-by-sa)
- Linux Outlaws 175
- pentaMusic Radio Show - Shino
- WP: Dresden Dolls
- SONG: Sid - Fuck Sony Entertainment(cc-by-nc-sa)
- Sid - Fuck Sony Entertainment (lyrics)
- WP: NinJam
- Moe Hackett (Radio Play)
- SONG: The Different - Freak (The Different)(cc-by-nc-nd)
- Rathole Radio
- pentaMusic Radio Show
- ratholeradio (
- @MethodDan (, twitter also)
- @koeart (, twitter also)
- @freaquency (
- @freaquence (twitter)
- SONG: Dan Lynch - Nano Song (cc-by-sa)